Frequently asked questions
Ja, de prijzen op de website zijn inclusief BTW.
Orders are shipped out as quickly as possible. You will typically receive your order within 1 to 3 days.
Atlasargan.nl offers a wide range of payment methods for your convenience, including iDeal, PayPal, Bancontact, AfterPay, credit card and bank transfer.
If your order has not yet been shipped, you can call or email us to cancel your order.
If your order has already been shipped, you can return the unused items to us at your own expense, after which we will refund you for them.
If your order has not yet been shipped, you can call or email us to change your order.
Telephone number: +31 (0)71 542 6382
After completing your order, you will automatically receive an order confirmation email.
Shipping costs are €5.99.
Shipping is free if you spend €50 or more.
Customer Service
At Atlas Argan Company we do our utmost to guarantee quality and customer satisfaction. If you have any complaints, you can always email or call us.
Telephone number: +31 (0)71 542 6382
Mobile phone number: +31 (0)6 155 29 900
You have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without providing reasons. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day on which you, or a third party designated by you other than the carrier, takes physical possession of the product (or, if the delivery of a product involves several shipments or parts, the day on which you receive the last shipment or the last part).
You can place your order on Atlasargan.nl by adding the items you want to the shopping bag. Then use the shopping-bag button in the top right corner of the screen to navigate to the checkout page. On this page, you can enter your personal details, select your preferred shipping and payment method, and then complete your order.
Yes, all prices shown include VAT.
Argan oil
Our argan oil will last for at least a year, and 2 years if stored in a cool and dark place. But the fresher the better!